Perfectly Temped Steaks


  1. Wonderfully clear and informative, thanks for the concise explanation. I have been using your thermopen and chef alarm for a long time, they are indispensable.

  2. My question remains: why reverse sear? Why not sear first, then bring to desired temperature over low heat? Isn’t this more predictable? You can get the degree of sear you want without risking overcooking, then bring the meat to temperature. It seems to me that if you reverse sear you may have to pull the meat before you get the desired degree of crust.

    1. Michael,
      There is some great controversy surrounding the two methods. One of the reasons for a reverse sear is a desire to have a very fresh crust on the sear. By searing first and then cooking, the crust can soften to some degree. That may be a bit of a weak reason for some, but for some it is reason enough. (And it depends on the strength of the sear in the first place.)
      Another reason for the reverse sear is logistical. If you have to cook a lot of steaks—say, for a summer cookout—it can be much easier to have the steaks “cooked” most of the way and just needing to be seared off. In fact, you can cook the steaks to about 10-15°F lower than your desired pull temp well in advance of your party, toss them in the fridge, and when it’s time to cook, just sear them and send them out.
      Of course, if you’re cooking good steak perfectly to temp with a standard sear, there’s no reason to change! I also love a standard sear. I use each method, just depending on how I feel and what I’m trying to accomplish.

    2. Michael:

      The reverse sear is actually done for flavor. I have a smoker, and use it for the first part of the cook, and then use my grill for the reverse sear. Doing this the other way, with the sear first and then in the smoker actually blocks the meat from absorbing the smoke flavor. I do this with Tri-tip, and Prime Rib. Have you ever seen a nicely cooked piece of Prime Rib, or a steak with a fairly large gray streak of meat on the outside? Do the reverse sear, and that band of grey will be very small.

    3. What I find nice about the reverse sear is that the longer time at low temperature dries out the surface of the meat more. So when the time comes to sear the meat, there is less water to keep the meat temperature at 100C as the water evaporate. This allows the Maillard reaction (~150C) that gives the steak a nice flavorful crust to happen earlier, therefore a thinner gray outer ring. You can imagine that if you have to wait for 5 minutes while the surface temperature stalls at 100C before it can go up to 150C, the outer surface is actually being boiled at 100C for 5 minutes, creating a thicker gray outer ring for the steak.

  3. was very surprised to see that you do not speak to sliding the temp probe in from the side of the steak–I always temp my steaks from the side and it seems to be very accurate without sliding the probe in and out to find the coolest spot. Just an observation–love your products !

  4. Your generous sharing of expertise never fails to amaze (and educate) us. Thank you again for taking the time to do this. There is always something new to learn!

  5. I used to consistently burn or at least overcook my steaks. My family always thought the only way my food came off the grill was overdone or more overdone. I started using the temperature method a few years ago and haven’t ruined a steak yet. I am comfortable grilling a $35.00 Costco 1 1/4″ thick steak to perfection every time. I won’t cook meat without a temperature probe any more. I was burning my fingers with my 6″ long thermometer so I ordered a 12″ long probe from Thermoworks. It should be in today and I can’t wait to try it out!

  6. Thanks again for a wonderful article. I like to cook but rarely take the time to read instructions beyond the recipe…but I always read these articles you link via email, not only for cooking methods but for the food science education as well.

    I had a birthday in May and bought myself a Cowboy Cut Ribeye steak. I prepared it just as you direct in this article (echoed in another one of your articles I read). I rubbed Kosher salt and pepper on the steak, put it on a cake cooking rack, and let it sit uncovered in the fridge overnight (almost 24 hours). As instructed, I used the indirect method and monitored the temp with my ThermoPop, flipping the steak every few minutes. I then seared it over the hot coals, pulled it and let it rest, watching the temperature rise and then start to slowly drop. Then I ate it!

    I hit 65 that birthday, have loved to cook my entire life, and have eaten in many of the finer restaurants in the Washington DC area. That was easily one of the best steaks I have ever had.

    Please keep these great articles coming!

  7. Great article. Unfortunately I am unable to grill and must rely on top of gas stove or oven (broiler in my apartment inconvenient for MANY reasons and I don’t use it. SO, when you suggest med low oven and then cast iron pan to sear– what is considered Low cook F. temp- and does one cook it in the same cast iron pan as is then high heated to sear? Help please. Also, I must rely on my new thermopop- which I like! since it was already a money stretch. Just FYI- I am not a new cook- have been cooking for over 60 years and can’t imagine not using a thermometer now! Sure beats the “spongy finger” test.

    1. P.,
      When I do this method I will set my oven anywhere from 250°F 275°F. I’ll do the initial cook on a sheet tray pan and then when it comes out of the oven I’ll heat up the cast iron to roaring hot. And way to go leaving the spongy-finger test behind and getting a ThermoPop!
      Happy cooking!

    2. Cooking my steaks (rib eye or New York) on the stove has actually become my preferred method, though I love to grill and use the Weber for tri-tip and chicken. But you can’t beat the sear/crust you get in a cast iron pan.

      Here’s what I do: Diamond Crystal kosher salt and pepper all over, letting it rest on a rack in the refrigerator if I have the time. I stick the remote probe in the non-fat side, parallel to large surface of the cut, trying to get it right in the center of the thickest part. I oil the pan with neutral oil and wipe it almost dry as the pan is heating to pretty darn hot. Then I sear the fat edge for a couple of minutes, then sear each side for a similar time (I find two minutes per side gives me a great sear without too much temperature rise in the center). You need open windows or a good exhaust hood — this method produces a lot of smoke! I also find it helpful to sponge up the fat as it sears with a paper towel held in tongs — keeps the spatter down. Then I place the pan in a 300 degree oven and pull around 115 degrees. I find the carry-over gets it to 125 which is where I like it. I’ve used hotter oven temps since sometimes I’m sharing oven space with a baking potato, and it works well too, but I think the cooler oven is a bit better.

      Bobby Flay does the cast iron pan sear and finishes under the broiler. That’s great too, but a bit harder to temp.

  8. “Steak Temps: Getting It Right” is a very informative article with honest information. No brag, just fact.
    I have had similar results with the temps listed and will try the carryover formula and the reverse-sear method.
    The short and concise article gave me a much better understanding of the grilling process.

  9. I am interested in being able to cook a lot of steaks most of the way over low indirect heat and then searing them off later but I’m not sure how the cooking process works when searing steaks that are cool or cold.. I presume that we sear the steaks until they reach the desired pull temp (say 125F for medium rare). I don’t understand why a partially cooked steak doesn’t overcook when searing from cold. I assume that it would take just as long to bring a partially cooked cold steak to, say 125F, as it would to cook a raw steak to the same temperature.

    1. Ray,
      You make a valid point, but there is another way to look at this. If you cook the steaks in low heat until they are just done, then refrigerate them, you needn’t cook them all the way to 125°F or 130°, you just need to get the interior hot enough to feel cooked and to be enjoyable—cold meat actually tastes different than hot meat because of how the flavors work. So getting the interior to 110°F is going to be just fine. Is that a long sear? maybe so. Maybe too long.
      But overcome that, you could keep your steaks cool until a half hour before serving, then bring them out and let them come to room temp before tossing them on for a sear. Less total thermal distance to travel means less chance of overcooking.
      Sous vide is really amazing for this because you can keep them at temperature and just sear them, but that’s not something that everyone has access to.

  10. Thank you for your excellent articles on the “science” of cooking meats. Those pieces of wisdom are important for me to understand the why’s and how’s meats are cooked to perfection.
    I have one comment on “reverse searing” steaks, tri tips etc. I understand the reason we sear is to give the additional flavor the maillard reaction searing at a minimum 550F surface. So, the more surface maillard reaction, the more flavor. I advise people to not sear on an open grate, instead sear on a cast iron skillet. I sear on a skillet either on the grill or on my stove, using a thermoworks IR gun to measure surface temp to 550. The reason I tell people not to sear on an open grate is the high temp is not accurate and it takes longer to create maillard reaction endangering an “overcook”. The sear on a flat skillet gives full surface contact of the meat for an efficient quick maillard without endangering the accuracy of the desired internal temps.

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