Platter of roast duck and vegetables

Holiday Roast Duck: Thermal Tricks for a Better Bird

There’s nothing quite so classically ‘winter’ as a roast duck or roast goose. Whether it’s for a holiday dinner or for a cozy Sunday at home, the deep flavor and luxurious, almost beefy texture of a duck hit the spot in these cold, dark months. Plus, duck and goose both boast copious amounts of warm-flavored…

Basting Nashville hot chicken with cayenne oil

Nashville Hot Chicken: Hot On the Tongue But Not Overcooked

One thing that I love about travel is the opportunity to try new foods wherever I go. Even within the U.S., even within one state there are regional cuisines, regional variations, and regional specialties that can hardly be found anywhere else. Whether it’s the fried pork loin sandwich of the Midwest or Kansas City’s sliced…

Grilled Chicken wings

Everything You Need to Know About Grilled Chicken Wings

Whatever happy accident of history led to the development of the spicy chicken wing—a history that is shrouded in uncertainty, controversy, and spurious claims—I’m glad it happened. The collision of crisp-skinned wings with smooth, spicy/vinegary sauce has created one of the greatest finger foods on the planet. The first and most popular way to cook…

Chicken shawarma wrap recipe

Grilled Chicken Shawarma: Flavorful Wraps Fresh at Home

Within any given food culture, there are divisions of kind. There are festal foods that are eaten only at feasts or on holidays. There are seasonal foods that are only eaten with the coming of various harvests. There are the everyday foods that sustain but don’t necessarily delight. And, of course, there are street foods….

two chickens cooking on a rotisserie

How to Make Rotisserie Chicken at Home: Thermal Tips

Is there anything a rotisserie chicken can’t do? It has become the Swiss-army knife of the home kitchen. Delis and meat departments of even moderately-stocked supermarkets now sell them in little characteristic bags or plastic carriers, and they have woven themselves into the fabric of the American dinnertime. They are used for chicken salad, chicken…