Reheating BBQ

How to Reheat BBQ: Keeping it Juicy with Temperature Control

You paid good money for a quality brisket. You trimmed it and seasoned it carefully. You stayed up half the night tending the coals.* You patiently rested the brisket and sliced it for every person at the cookout individually. Everyone loved it. You loved it! But somehow…somehow there are…leftovers? With all the work and care…

Meal-prepped pork and chicken

Meal Prep: Temperature Considerations for Getting Ahead on Your Dinners

If you’re like me, then—despite your love of good food—you often don’t want to go through the trouble of cooking a delicious dinner every night. You know that your food is better than fast food, and honestly probably as good or better than most other restaurants, too. Home-cooked food often is! But despite how good…

Kids using the Thermapen

Kids Can Cook! 5 Cooking Projects to Try with Your Kids

Looking for something to do with kids while sharing some additional time together indoors, maybe? Get them to help you cook! With the right projects and tools—and some patient instruction—you can help your kids learn about the art and science of cooking. Here are a few kid-approved projects from the ThermoWorks demo kitchen to get…

BlueDOT with rolls

Oven Temperature, Refrigerator Temperature: Modern Solutions for Modern Equipment

Some time ago, we wrote a piece on why you shouldn’t trust the dome-lid thermometer on your grill. We wanted people to free themselves from the lies that dome thermometers tell and to use better tools for improving their BBQing and grilling, and the dome thermometer wasn’t helping. Today we want to show you how…