Pig wings

Pig Wings—Fun, Meaty, and Cooked to Perfection

Tailgating season is a joy. Out in the crisp autumn air with friends, cooking, eating, cheering—what more could you ask for? Well, for one thing, you could ask for your team to win. Sadly, that’s not always the case. In fact, being a fan of some teams leaves you with a “championship-when-pigs-fly” feeling. If that’s…

pink, safe pork

Pork Internal Temps: Pink Pork Can Be Safe to Eat

When our grandmothers and grandfathers were growing up, there was a real threat to their health that we don’t face anymore. No, I’m not talking about the lack of antibiotics, nor the scarcity of nutritious food. It was trichinosis, a parasitic disease that used to be caught from undercooked pork. The legitimate worry of trichinosis…