Thermapen Thermometer Speed Test
Here’s a great little video featuring the ThermoWorks calibration lab and one if its reference thermometers (accurate to thousandths of a degree) in a little competitive side-by-side speed testing between the Splash-Proof Thermapen® and some of the other “instant read” digital thermometers that are on the market.
If we missed testing your favorite competitor, drop us a line with a recommended test victi…, I mean, subject to and we’ll include it in our next roundup!
An interesting note on the Maverick ProTemp: The ProTemp in the video exhibits something called hysteresis. It works quite ably on the first try but wanders on subsequent attempts until you give a good rest (half an hour or more) at room temperature.
I have a five years old Thermapen that has gone way off callibration. It misses by more than 10 degrees at both boiling and icewater despite a new battery.
Can it be recallibrated at home – or does it need to be sent somewhere?
Hi Jan, Happy Thanksgiving!
Just send it in and we will recallibrate it for you and even issue a new certificate.
If you prefer, however, you can do it yourself. The first step is to make sure you are calculating your boiling point properly (see ) and making a proper Ice Bath (see ).