1. That USDA Time Temperature Tables article starts out complicated.
    165 does provide an ‘instant’ pathogen kill, but the same level 7Log lethality can be accomplished at 148 for 2 minutes. And you avoid the 150 moisture unlock point. This seems like a worthy use of your temp sensor.

  2. I really really like your web page. Its not loaded up with ads that slows my browser down. Love the grilling and smoking tips.

  3. We prepare our turkey burgers using the lean ground turkey breast meat. We add gruyere cheese to this mixture (and onions or your choice of salt pepper etc) and make our patties. Spray both sides of each patty with an olive oil to prevent sticking, and cook to 165 F.
    They always come out juicy and tasty.
    Why add cheese to the cooked patty when you can incorporate it into the meat, to keep it moist?

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