High Altitude and Its Effect on Cooking

High Altitude and Its Effect on Cooking

Most recipes and temperature guidelines are calibrated for sea-level conditions, but what if you live in a high-altitude area like we do here in Utah? The lower atmospheric pressure at high altitudes (generally 3,000 ft [900 meters] or higher is considered high altitude) can wreak havoc on your culinary performance. Knowing a few simple adjustments…

Steak with compound butter

A Compound Butter How-To Guide

Compound butters (beurre composé in French) are simply made of butter mixed with different ingredients to add flavor to meats, similar to a sauce. They’re also a fantastic accompaniment for breads, and even mashed potatoes. These flavorful butters add more than just another layer of flavor, but richness in mouthfeel with the eating experience. In…

ThermoWorks and ETI Ltd.

ThermoWorks and ETI Ltd.

ThermoWorks, headquartered near Salt Lake City, Utah, and ETI (Electronic Temperature Instruments, Ltd.) of Worthing, England are two independent instrument companies that have maintained a strong working relationship since 1992. Both are family-owned businesses and the respective founding families are close friends. Thermocouple Technology: The Thermapen® was originally invented by ETI. Each subsequent version of…

Measuring weight of flour

Weight vs. Volume Measurement

Cups, tablespoons, teaspoons…these are kitchen measurements we’re all used to; but so many recipes are measured only by weight, forcing you to either try and figure out the volume equivalents, or buy a digital kitchen scale. Professional recipes are nearly always measured by weight, as are many of the recipes that we use in our…

Using a ChefAlarm and Thermapen to temp salmon

Cooking With ChefAlarm and Thermapen: The Perfect Pair

Some things just go together, like steak and potatoes or peanut butter and jelly. Add the Thermapen and ChefAlarm to that list… There are lots of great reasons why—the unique abilities of the Thermapen and ChefAlarm thermometers compliment each other so well. First off, the Thermapen cannot be left inside an oven. You have to actually open…

ThermoWorks at the Prestigious James Beard House

ThermoWorks at the Prestigious James Beard House

ThermoWorks is proud to have been selected as an official House Purveyor of the James Beard Foundation. Our company is the exclusive provider of thermometry equipment for the prestigious James Beard House kitchen. Chefs from around the world have the opportunity of using ThermoWorks products when visiting their kitchen. This foundation, in the spirit of…