french pâté de campagne

Country Pâté: Bacon-Wrapped Meatloaf Gets Dressed Up—and Properly Temped

If I were to tell you that this blog entry’s recipe would be for a bacon-wrapped pork meatloaf that also has bacon mixed into it and is seasoned with a splash of booze, would you be excited? Good! Because French pâté de campagne is exactly what we’re talking about! Pâté de campagne pull temp: 155°F…

Potstickers for Your Feast: Temps You Need

Potstickers for Your Feast: Temps You Need

When the Bumpus hounds destroyed the Parker family’s Christmas turkey in A Christmas Story, the family did the only sensible thing they could: they went out for Chinese food. The relationship between Christmas dinner and Chinese foodgoes back much further than the 1950’s, and it has become, in its own way, a staple of American…

Cherry soda ribs

Cherry Soda Saucy Ribs

There is a difference, a gap, between what the average eater and the KCBS competition judge want in their ribs. Much of the populace at large want ribs that are completely fall-off-the-bone tender, while KCBS calls for a bite that stays on the bone. In truth, I find tremendous value in both styles! What isn’t…

Runhy egg, savory sausage—a perfect breakfast sandiwch

Grilled Breakfast Sandwiches: Sausage Egg and Cheese Never Had it So Good

Everyone wants breakfast food. Fast food places offer all-day breakfast, as do sit-down diners. Whole chains are devoted to American’s desire for eggs, biscuits, and pancakes at any time of day, and let’s not forget Second Breakfast. Today, we thought we’d help you feed that hunger for all things breakfast, with a twist on the…

Pulled pork with the Smoke X4 thermometer
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How to Cook LOTS of Pulled Pork: Making Enough for a Crowd

So you invited a few close friends for a cookout. But one of them asked if one or two of his friends could come along, and you absentmindedly said “sure, why not?” Then your sister called and said she was going to be in town with the kids that weekend… It’s time for pork butt—lots…