1. In an oven at 225 it can take at least 6 and up to 8 hours for baby backs. In a BBQ where there is convection it can be reduce to as little as 4 hours. I have a pellet BBQ that minimizes convection at that temperature and six hours is about average for Baby Back ribs.
    I do not use temperature nor time. I look for the meat to begin to pull back from the bone ends. When around 1/2 inch of bone ends are fully exposed along the length they are done. The ribs may break in half when lifting them at that point.
    Variations in cooking can be smoke at 185 for half an hour then to 225. Sometimes I will finish by raising the temperature to 315 or even 350 and then pulling out immediately when the oven/BBQ reaches that temperature. This can give a very nice finish but be careful not to overcook.

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