Grilling Kebabs


  1. Does the reverse seat work for ground beef. I want to cook a blend of Kobe/angus beef which needs low heat to melt the fat. Any thoughts

    1. Kirk,
      Yes! You can absolutely do a reverse sear on ground beef. But with beef like that, be sure your indirect heat is nice and gentle. We kind of discussed it this Grilling Hamburgers post.

      Give it a go and let us know!

  2. Great post! Does the diameter of the kettle grill impact temperatures?

    For example, does a single layer of coals on a 14″ Smokey Joe have the same temperature profile as a 22″ kettle (all other variables being equal)?

    1. G,
      Good question! Since a lot of what we’re talking about here is radiant heat, if the grate is the same distance from the layer of coals and the layer of coals is the same thickness, then we’d expect the temperature at the surface to be the same.
      As for the air, I’m not actually sure! In increasing the diameter, do they also increase the height of the dome? if so then the volumetric change is proportionally greater than the change in coal surface. That might lead to a slightly decreased temperature. But if they don’t increase the height with the diameter, then I’d expect no change in air temp at all, as the increase in air volume would be proportional to the increase in coals.
      I hope that helps!

  3. I appreciate how you said that gas grills, because of their variety in shape and size, are great for barbecuing for large groups of people. My husband and I just moved into our new home, and we’re looking for a way to cook food for a housewarming party we want to throw once we get completely moved in. We’ll have to look for a gas barbecue so we can efficiently cook lots of delicious food for our guests to enjoy. Thanks for the tip!

  4. Pingback: Is Propane(Gas) Grilling Bad For You? (Explained!) | FAQ Kitchen

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