1. Recipe looks wonderful! Just one question… when do you remove the scraped vanilla bean from the mixture? Can’t wait to try this, thanks!

    1. Amanda,

      The vanilla bean is removed after removing the caramel from the heat once it reaches 239°F, and before the salt is added.


  2. I tried this yesterday (Dec. 22, 2016) and could not get the mixture above 218 degrees. It was at a violent boil, and my electric stove top was at about the 4-o’clock point or even 3 o’clock, so medium-quite-high. The mixture will not set now so I have caramel custard or sauce for other uses, but want to try again now. Turn stove higher? Put lid on pot? What to do?

    1. Steven,

      My thought and recommendation are to let the sugar mixture boil longer. It can take quite a bit of time to reach the appropriate sugar cooking stage with the level of sugar concentration needed for the proper texture/harness. Since your caramel didn’t set up there was still quite a bit of water that needed to cook out.

      Don’t put a lid on the pot because condensation will collect and drip back down into the pot. You want evaporation to fully take place.

      Another consideration is the boiling point at your altitude. Your sugar cooking temperature reduction factor is the difference between your boiling point from 212°F subtracted from the target temperature called for in the recipe.

      I hope your next batch work better for you.

      Merry Christmas!

    2. Steven,
      It takes some time for certain ingredients of the mixture to boil off, thereby allowing the increased temperatures. Hang in there. It takes some time

      I just made these yesterday. Fantastic! A hit with the neighbors as well. A good treat to give away. They magically disappear in our house and reappear on my waistline!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I love reading about other people’s experiences with chocolate making art and their ideas. Recipe looks wonderful!

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