Preheat your oven to 325°F (163°C).
Trim the excess fat from your goose and remove any excess from the cavity. Also remove the neck and organs, if present. Reserve the fat and extra skin for rendering.
Using a needle (a sail needle works very well), pierce the skin all over the goose. Try not to pierce the meat, but do make hundreds of holes all over the surface for the fat to render out of.
Season the bird all over with salt and pepper, inside and out.
Insert your RFX MEAT probe into the breast of the goose, trying to find the thermal center. Set the high-temp alarm in your app for 165°F (74°C).
Put the goose on a roasting rack and set it in a roasting pan or rimmed baking sheet. Put the pan with the goose in the oven and set a timer for 1 hour.
When the timer sounds, check the fat level in the pan. Pour out any rendered fat into a bowl to use later. Put the goose back in the oven and continue to cook.
Cook the goose until the high-temp alarm sounds. Verify the temperature in the breast using your Thermapen ONE.
Remove the goose from the oven, save any rendered fat, and let the goose rest 10–15 minutes before carving.