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Texas Twinkies

Texas Twinkies Recipe

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Better than jalapeño poppers! Adapted from


  • 12 jalapeños
  • 2 packs regular-cut bacon
  • 1 block cream cheese
  • 1 C chopped smoked brisket
  • BBQ rub of your choice
  • BBQ sauce of your choice, optional


  • Use your Smoke X2 with its air probe and your Billows BBQ Control Fan to preheat your smoker to 250°F (121°C).
  • Cut a T in each jalapeño and place them all on the smoker. Cook for 15 minutes, then flip them over and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. 

Jalapeños on the smoker

  • While the peppers smoke, mix the cream cheese and chopped brisket together in a bowl. Gloved hands work best. 
  • When the peppers have smoked, remove as much of the membrane and veins from inside each one as you like, knowing that the heat comes from those tissues. 
  • Stuff each pepper with as much filling as it can hold and still close up. 

Stuffing the peppers

  • Wrap each pepper in one or two strips of bacon so that it is well mummified. 
  • Season each piece on all sides with BBQ rub. 
  • Return the peppers to the smoker and continue to cook them at 250°F (121°C) for about 90 minutes, turning halfway through, until the bacon is well rendered and somewhat barky. Continue to monitor the temperature with your Smoke X and Billows!

Bacon wrapped peppers on the smoker

  • If using the BBQ sauce, now is the time to brush the bites with your favorite BBQ sauce (we like something vinegary for it) and allow them to cook another 10 minutes with the smoker lid closed to set the sauce. 
  • Remove the “Twinkies” from the smoker and serve to wild applause. 

Brushing the Texas Twinkies